Steps for Linux System Only

  1. Install Conda. Instructions below:

  2. Install TomoNet. The download link can be found on GitHub.

    git clone <>
    cd TomoNet/bin
    chmod a+x *py
  3. Edit your .bashrc

    ############### tomoStudio related setting ##################
    export PATH=YourPath2tomoNetParentFolder/TomoNet/bin:$PATH
    export PYTHONPATH=YourPath2tomoNetParentFolder/:$PYTHONPATH
    ############### End tomoStudio setting ##################
  4. Create a new environment by typing/copying the following commands in the terminal one by one:

### First, please check that your pip version (24.x is having issue installing pytorch_lightning)
### if pip in version >= 24.x.x or some too old version, 
### please change your pip version to 23.1.2 by "pip install pip==23.1.2"

conda create -n tomonet python==3.8 (new python(3.10) version is problematic)
conda activate tomonet 
conda install pytorch==2.0.1 pytorch-cuda==11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia

~~~~conda install cudatoolkit==11.8.0 cudnn== -y
conda install pyqt
pip install numpy==1.19 pytorch_lightning==1.6.4 mrcfile scipy fire tqdm scikit-image matplotlib imodmodel psutil eulerangles starfile &

Run the above line to launch TomoNet GUI

The following software needs to be installed for some of TomoNet’s modules.

You do not have to install all of them if you do not need to use the specific function.