Inputs needed before running:
- A directory containing the generated tilt series. If you generated the tilt series in TomoNet, then the folder should be Recon/ts_tlt
- This tab only uses the CTFFIND as the source software for CTF estimation. please check for detailed usage on their website if needed:
Output you will get:
Root directory
— Ctffind:
— TS_1
— TS_2
— ……
— history_record.txt: Edit this file by removing lines if you want to redo CTF estimation
Gui for running Cttfind
Gui for running Cttfind
Above is the GUI used for running Ctffind4
- Tilt series folder: Select your ts_tlt folder. No default value
- Ctffind Executable: Select the Cttfind software. No default value
- CPU #: Select the number of CPUs you want to use. Default: 8
- Pixel Size: Pixel size in Angstrom. Default: 1.0
- Voltage: Voltage in kv. Default: 300
- CS: Spherical Aberration. Default: 2.7
- Amplitude contrast: Amplitude contrast. Default: 0.1
- Size: Size of power spectrum. Default: 512
- Min res: resolution range lower boundary. Default: 50
- Max res: resolution range higher boundary. Default: 5