For “Tomogram Generation Not Started”:
- Look for “Tomogram thickness in Z: “, and put “3000” in the blank.
- Usually “3000” is a good thickness, but you can always change it based on your sample
- Check “Use SIRT-like filter equivalent to: iterations”, and put “12” in the blank.
- If done right the whole sentence should look like “Use SIRT-like filter equivalent to: 12 iterations”
- If you have excluded some views in the previous steps, click “A”
- You will see the window changes, and look for “Extra views to exclude: “
- List the views you excluded in the blank.
- Don’t change anything else, don’t uncheck something else nor check something else. You are welcome to experiment with it, but some errors will likely occur.
- Click “Generate Tomogram”, and wait.
- Click “Done”, and you will be direct to “Post-processing” block.