For “Tomogram Generation Not Started”:

  1. Look for “Tomogram thickness in Z: “, and put “3000” in the blank.
    1. Usually “3000” is a good thickness, but you can always change it based on your sample
  2. Check “Use SIRT-like filter equivalent to: iterations”, and put “12” in the blank.
    1. If done right the whole sentence should look like “Use SIRT-like filter equivalent to: 12 iterations”
  3. If you have excluded some views in the previous steps, click “A”
    1. You will see the window changes, and look for “Extra views to exclude: “
    2. List the views you excluded in the blank.
  4. Don’t change anything else, don’t uncheck something else nor check something else. You are welcome to experiment with it, but some errors will likely occur.
  5. Click “Generate Tomogram”, and wait.
  6. Click “Done”, and you will be direct to “Post-processing” block.