Inputs needed for preparation:
- density maps (one or more binned MRC or .rec files)
- trained model (.h5)
Output you will get:
Root directory
— Autopick:
— Autopick_[NAME]:
— data: folder storing data used to train the neural network
— test_x
— test_y
— train_x
— train_y
— metrics.png: image storing model metric
- Input Folder: Input folder for network predicting.
- Input Model: Input the trained model you obtained from network training.
- subtomo box size: The box size you used for predicting. The number should be divisible by 8.
- particle unit size: Unit size of your particles in pixels.
- min patch size: Specify the minimum size of a patch of an isolated area of lattice density that you want the model to predict particles for.
- y label size: Same number as the label size used to train your network.
- tolerance: Specify the tolerance you want for bad particles.
- overlap size: Specify when particles can overlap
GUI for predicted particles after network training