Inputs needed for preparation:

  1. ts_tlt directory containing the generated tilt series. This should contain your .rawtlt files and your .st files (This function only reads the default ts_tlt folder defined by TomoNet, and the output folder is also fixed as “eTomo” under the Recon Folder)

Output you will get:

Root directory

— Recon:

— ts_tlt: Directory storing the output of tilt series generation

— Trash: Directory storing deleted files

— eTomo: Directory storing eTomo reconstruction output

— Trash: Directory storing deleted files

Fig. 3: Updated table view.

Fig. 3: Updated table view.

This is the GUI for the reconstruction step. After a successful Tilt Series Generation, “Tomo Name” should be automatically populated. See Fig. 3 for an example.

After finishing each reconstruction