Inputs needed:

  1. Directory with motion-corrected images. If you generated your images using TomoNet, the motion-corrected images are under directory MotionCorrection/MotionCor/corrected_images. You can also use other MotionCor2 output locations if you did motion correction separately.

Output you will get:

Root directory

— Recon:

— ts_tlt: output of tilt series (*.st) generation, and its associated *.rawtlt files.

— history_record.txt: This text file records the operation history. Each line is associated with one tomogram. If you need to redo tilt series generation, please delete lines in this file or delete the file entirely before rerunning TS generation.

—eTomo: reconstruction results using etomo

Explanation for each of the required fields in the GUI (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2: TS Generation tab with example parameters.

Fig. 2: TS Generation tab with example parameters.